Sunday, February 18, 2024

Things That Matter

My toxic trait is trying to read several books at once (see also: thinking I am entitled to buying at least one or two new plants each weekend).

Right now I'm reading "The Secret History"; "Goth: A History"; Brian Wilson's memoir; and now Joshua Becker's "Things That Matter." It's this last book that's been my main focus as of late.

As highlighted in my November 2023 post, "MORE!," I feel like lately my life has been consumed with wanting more, more, more. "Things That Matter" has offered me a way to reset. The book walks through different types of distractions that keep us from our life's work and passions. It's so timely for me, and even though I'm less than a fourth of the way through the book, I already have a couple of key takeaways that I wanted to share with you.

Joshua Becker's former mentor, Robert Thune Sr.,
often set an intention for each day right when he woke up.

He said, "Every morning, before I start my day, I set my intention with a simple sentence: 'Today, I commit myself to _________.'"

I loved the heck out of that. As someone who works from home, sometimes it can feel like every day is much the same: Wake up, get ready, work, rinse, repeat. Setting an intention is a good way to narrow in on a tiny task or goal for the day and work with all my heart to complete it. Some examples Joshua shared were: "Today, I commit myself to being a faithful spouse" and "Today, I commit myself to selflessness." Or, "Today, I commit myself to healthy eating." "Today, I commit myself to my work goal."💜
Joshua also mentioned the manifesto of Melanie Kirk, which really resonated with me:

"A vow to live every day as if it's my one and only chance to make a mark, because IT IS. To live my life on purpose. To stop wasting time on things that don't matter. To step out of my comfort zone. To live with passion and courage of my convictions. To let go of the 'what if's.' To never, ever give up even when things get tough. Because at the end of the day life is far too precious a gift to squander."

What a great encouragement! I'm excited to keep reading this book and see what other little gems I can scribble in my journal or jot down on an index card and place around my house for instant encouragement. To me, this book has been a great reminder so far of making every moment matter, not in a stressful way, but with ultimate intention. Joshua Becker is also a minimalist, and while that's not my journey, I've also been inspired to clear out the clutter (read: piles of clothes I don't wear) and free up more space in my mind and life for, again, the "things that matter."

Happy Sunday! What have you been reading lately?

Feeling inspired,

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

A Very Cozy 2024

P and I on the steps of Starland Strange in Savannah, GA.

Maybe it's winter, or maybe it's just me,
but I've been wanting to be as cozy as possible lately.

I've always had an affinity for cardigans, sweaters, knitwear and all things snuggly, but as of late, it has seemingly amplified. Whether it's a new Hearth & Hand blanket from Target or a perfectly rumpled cable knit sweater found during an afternoon of thrifting, cozy has got me in its clutches. Here are some of the (conventional or otherwise) things that have felt cozy to me this month.

Possibly the coziest sweater of all time.

A new favorite show. I'm usually not too big into television, but lately when I'm looking to relax, I've been seeking solace in an absolutely addictive show that P and I discovered called The Traitors. We've finished season one and are now watching the first season of the UK version of the show. Also cozy: P had never seen The Breakfast Club (for shame!), so I made sure we watched that together this month. Side note: They did Ally Sheedy's character so wrong with that makeover.

Plants. I was obsessed with plants in 2023, but the obsession is only growing (literally). There are some nice pothos plants and other varieties on sale for fairly cheap at my local Publix, so anytime P and I pick up groceries, I am very tempted to add a new plant to the family. (My newest addition is Phil, a philodendron plant.) What makes my day is when I see a new leaf coming in on any of my plant bbs. It gives me a little shot of glee and makes me want to jump for joy.

Playing video games. I go through phases with playing video games, and then losing interest. Right now, I am replaying the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane remastered trilogy on my Playstation and having a blast. It's fun and mindless at the end of a long workday.

Reading graphic novels. Growing up, I was never a graphic novel fan, even though I was obsessed with doodling cartoons of my own. On a fluke, I picked up a graphic novel from the library (also an obsession lately) and now I am HOOKED. Graphic novels are so quick to read and the art is so inspiring. It makes me want to start drawing or painting again.


• Taste-testing my husband's yummy new recipes

Sipping water or tea from a fun new tumbler

• Tom Odell's newly released piano ballads

The color green

Cold morning runs wearing my dad's old fleece jacket

Using Notion to journal and stay inspired

Dark academia everything

What does cozy look like to you? Let me know in the comments.

With many snuggly days ahead,

Wednesday, November 15, 2023


Does anybody else ever feel like they have so much stuff?

Lately I've been grappling with the sheer fact of all my things, and how much it seems I have acquired over the years. My mom shared with me this creator on YouTube who makes videos on minimalism and her 10-item wardrobe, and I've enjoyed watching some of her content. I don't think I could be a minimalist to that extreme extent, but I've enjoyed some of the principles behind her videos. 

Here's what I've discovered: The more I find myself in pursuit of stuff (namely, clothes, an obsession which could go on indefinitely as fashion is so ever-evolving), I find myself less able to hear the still, small voice of Jesus in my everyday life. It's convicting and dismaying, even as I find myself still on the hunt for more things to consume my time, money and energy.

As I've been sorting through my closet today, these thoughts came to mind. The things I think will fulfill me (a flowy tiered maxi skirt; a pair of impossibly cool boots) never truly do. And then they end up discarded or forgotten in some corner of my closet the moment the next thing comes along.

It seems our whole society has been peddled the idea of having more, more, more at the click of a button in a way that those from generations past never had to deal with. Much has been written on fast fashion and the incessant trend cycling only sped up by social media. As someone who's trying to distance myself more from the digital noise for my own mental health, I return to this space for a tiny reprieve. These days, I'm longing to unplug from the idea that I'm always one new product away from my "perfect wardrobe" and into my own creativity, and my relationship with Christ. I'm trying to focus more on what matters, rather than get caught in the never-ending pursuit of what will fade. ðŸŒ¼

Be kind to yourself,