Happy Almost November, friends!
I hate to see October go; it has been such a good, rich month. I'm a fall person and even though Florida experiences approximately .0001% of Actual Fall Weather, I still adore this month. Halloween and pumpkin-scented candles and wearing sweaters
What I've Learned This Month

Sleep is so important (Duh). I feel like this is a lesson I have to keep re-learning...? Goodness! I like to be busy with work, creative projects, running and spending time with family, but YO, I can't do that on no sleep. And this next one doesn't exactly help me get more rest, but....
...I love blogging! When I took a blogging break after graduation, I missed this space but I wasn't sure how to return. I knew I wanted to make something I was proud of, and that I had matured a bit since getting my degree. Naturally, I wanted my blog to reflect that change. I'm starting to make content now that I enjoy and that is lots of fun! I love getting to connect with y'all; you guys are the best!! ♥

Things I Loved in October

Pop-punk music. Maybe it's the fact that I never got to properly go through my emo/skater phase (thanks, Mom) but I'm REALLY digging pop-punk music this month. Tunes like "Stupid For You" by Waterparks and "About a Girl" by The Academy Is... are rocking my socks. TELL ME I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE GOING THROUGH THIS....#MomIt'sNotAPhase

Just keepin' it real here.
These NaNoWriMo posts by the fabulous Abbie and Aimee.
A million thanks for inspiring me, yo. I'M GOING TO NEED IT
November Goals

ACTUALLY WRITE. I know, I know...it's NaNoWriMo, of course I'll write. But will I really? Or will I just endlessly scroll through Pinterest and call it a day? YOU TELL ME
Play the uke. Hate to confess it, but this didn't happen this month and now my ukulele Oskar (I literally just named him in this moment #LiveTweet) is sad and neglected. This will not happen again. I hope.
Begin The Creatives Project. So far I have about 8-9 bloggers signed up! I'm blown away by all the support and can't wait to see how this project turns out. Thank you. ♥
The Month in GIF-Form

Those leaves! If only.
What about you?
How did October turn out? Does anyone have any fun Halloween plans, or are you going to any fall festivals? IS ANYONE JUMPING IN A PILE OF AUTUMN LEAVES?! Tell me below in the comments!