Hello, my people!
I don't know how it is physically possible, but today is the final day of 2017. *Mind blown* It's been a weird but interesting year, to put it lightly. Even though there have been some difficulties in 2017, it has also been a year where I can really see God providing for me and my family's future. And that's super rad! Here is my mini tribute post to the year: Goodbye 2017, and hello 2018! ♥
Personal Life
This year has been a doozy, yet wonderful at the same time. In 2017, I graduated college, got a job in marketing and communications, redesigned my blog, and desperately sought rest. I learned that I don't have to be creative all the time, that I don't have to compete, and that I should love who Christ has made me to be. I'm so excited for the restoration that Christ is going to bring in 2018! 2017 was one of my hardest spiritual years yet and I'm so ready to feel renewed.
2017 in Music

WHATTA YEAR IT WAS. I think I bought more vinyl in 2017 than in any other year...seriously. Click here to see all of my favorite albums of the year! I also bought a ukulele and got to play a show with my sister. Glory.
2017 in Books

I really enjoyed reading this year! Click here to see what I read in 2017 (Spoiler Alert: it's a lot of YA). Books I hope to read in the new year include the Harry Potter series (a re-read), a lot of Kurt Vonnegut and K.A. Emmon's first novel! :)
Random 2017 Favorites
Stranger Things
Freaks & Geeks
Green Tea
What about you?
What music, books or random things did you love in 2017? Do you have any goals or resolutions for 2018? Mine are to get closer to the Lord and to (hopefully) get my own apartment this year. Super stoked! Happy 2017, friends. Y'all have made this a wonderful year! ♥