Lately, I've been craving more joy in my life. Life can throw quite a lot at us - worries, circumstances, expectations - but we don't have to fear or fight or compete. We can have peace and rest and joy right where we are.


Go for a walk. Or a run. Or just sit outside and soak up the sun! There's nothing like a little nature to make you feel small in the best possible way. Find a park, a beach, or a favorite walking trail. Make these places your own. It's amazing how much they can feel like home. ♥
Unplug. This goes along with the sentiment of the previous point: take some time to de-digitize. I'd noticed that I'd gotten into a bad habit of scrolling through social media and watching endless amounts of YouTube videos to de-stress after work. While there's nothing wrong with this, it can leech your joy. The more time I spend online, the more often I feel dissatisfied with myself. Know your limits and savor those offline moments.

Seek adventure. Be perpetually in the state of seeking adventure. We can't all go backpacking in Europe at the drop of a hat, but we can have the perspective of adventure in our daily life. Find things that are beautiful and wonderful about doing homework, cleaning out the litter box, buying groceries. Find the joy and adventure in the smallest of things and your joy will be through the roof.


Do the thing. This life is short! Have you always wanted to read Catcher in the Rye but never found the time? Do it! Ever considered violin lessons but didn't think you'd be good enough? So what? Do it! Want to learn how to bake, hike, knit, give epic public speeches? YO, JUST DO IT. Live your life in such a way that at the end of it, you will not regret the way you spent your time. Find joy in pursuing what God has made you passionate about.
+ What about you? What are some ways you spark joy in your everyday life?
Erin, you've done it again with the INSPIRATION thing.
ReplyDeleteJoy is precious. In a way, that's how we really measure our lives. These are such good ideas. The last one especially challenged me. I'm contemplating camp nanowrimo, so there's that... maybe I'll do the thing.
Thanks as always for reminding me of truth in your lovely voice!
I'm glad you liked it :) <3 AND YES DO THE THING! Go for it! You'll never know until you try. Thanks for your sweet comment! I hope to do more posts like this in the future because I constantly need to refresh my perspective in joy!
DeleteThis is a great post. I've been thinking a lot about joy recently, and trying to be more joyful in my life, so this was a very nice read. It is definitely nice to go for a walk, or take a break from the internet to be more productive. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! :) I love how the little things like a walk can give me joy so much. I don't think we always have to do huge, grand things to truly enjoy life. Thanks for commenting! :D
DeleteI love this <3
ReplyDelete:D <3
DeleteGreat post! for me, DEFINITELY reading. or organizing and de-cluttering (because I'm a weirdo and I think it's fun). sometimes I like to just sit outside with soft acoustic music playing off spotify and just talk to God. that's always amazing and rewarding!!
ReplyDeletethanks so much. made me think and be inspired.
jazzy @
YES READING! <3 I have been reading more these past two weeks and am just marveling lately at how easy and wonderful it is to get lost in a book. :) And I totally get you about the de-cluttering! I love cleaning my room on the weekends, it's a semi-obsession LOL :) Your comment made me smile! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
DeleteFor me the essence of joy is an evening with a cup of good tea. Nothing makes me feel better like few minutes for myself. :)
ReplyDeleteThat sounds wonderful! I am a morning person but there is something special and still about the evenings, and the night sky with the moon :) And tea sounds so calming! Thanks for commenting! <3
DeleteWalks always help me feel better. ^ ^ Great ideas!
Walks are the bomb, yo. Thank you! :) :D <3
DeleteYour posts always spark joy for me, Erin:)
ReplyDeleteYou are so sweet!! <3
Deleteyes yes yes yes yes yesyes.
this is me. in a slump. in a creative rut. in a practice rut.
so today on my day off. instead of laying around and watching youtube, as I had kind of planned, looking for some kind of inspiration, i'm going to go out and find the inspiration.
yep. you've inspired me.
I need stamps to send some letters to friends. so i'll stop at the post office first. and then a few things at Walmart, and then a library for A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. I've been wanting to read it for a while. I don't really have time but, really, when will I ever? and then I have some online work, so I think i'll drop by a new coffee shop and spend some time there.
I already feel better. it's raining and pretty outside. I can't wait to drive to town and go on a little adventure.
You rock! That literally sounds like my perfect day - just bebopping around and doing little chores and finding joy in the little things. Your comment was the absolute best. I'm so glad to hear you had a wonderful day! Letter writing and reading and coffee shops are some of the best things <3