Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Woah-Oh, We're Halfway There

While I have the time, I thought I'd tell you a little about the wonders of front desk life. It is a hard, rigorous job that requires intense training and strenuous hours, and lots of mental energy. Haha, not really. It can be stressful at times but at others we just crawl onto the semi-vacuumed floor behind the counter and get trapped in mail boxes. #jubilantjoy

Really, I've been loving my job. God is doing such wonderful things in my heart and life, and I have grown so remarkably close with my roomies. This has only been through His answer to prayer. And boy, has He been answering.

Christ has changed my heart and spirit this summer. I am more peaceful, joyful, confident, strong and unified than ever, and that is simply because I am abiding in Him and His Word. I learned this morning that His Word brings life. If He spoke all of creation into existence, how much more will His written Word change my heart?

This summer is officially halfway over, and I'm actually disappointed about that. This place is now my home. My life is never going to be the same after this summer. God has done great things.

Also, I feel kind of totally like a Boss because now I can answer phones with no problem and also work behind the front desk with ease. It couldn't be more magical if Wes Anderson wrote the script of my life.

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