Wednesday, November 8, 2017

On Distractions: The Love and Lure of Social Media and the Interwebz

Hi, friends!

I probably shouldn't be blogging right now because of NaNoWriMo (updates to come), but yo, I HAVE SOME THOUGHTS. Ironically, they are on social media and the internet, the two things that probably have the most potential to derail my NaNo process this November.

Actual Footage of My Writing Process:

7:03 a.m. Hmm, I should write. I should just get my thoughts out in the open before any other distractions hit me today.

7:06 a.m. *sits down at computer* Look at me, I'm a writer. I'M WRITING

7:08 a.m. Ooh, just a quick internet search for Research Purposes Only. *checks Twitter*

7:11 a.m. Okay, okay, back to writing.

7:12 a.m. *checks blog* *scans Pinterest*

10:00 pm. *cries*

Yo, the internet can be a real temptation. But it's not just that social media and the interwebz are a distraction to my writing (and probably a lot of yours as well), but it's also the fact that they can become such easy ways for me to entertain myself when I don't have anything else to do.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I've been thinking about how much time I spend blogging, writing my next post, posting on Instagram, creating an aesthetic, using social media to its Full Potential, etc., etc. It's exhausting.

And that's not even to speak about the comparison issues that can come along with social media or updating your life on the internet.

I just want to be in the mountains, the woods.

For me, one great way to remedy internet overkill is TO GO OUTSIDE. I know it seems like a simple and obvious solution, but there is so much richness to be found in the physical world. The earth, the trees, the sun, the sky. The stars! All of it. I want to stand in awe of God and His creation more than I contemplate myself and social media.

I was going to pepper this post with tips and how-to's,
but yo, I don't have it all figured out.

I am still learning what unplugging and taking time away from the computer, the internet, social media and even my novel looks like. What a slow-living, park-walking, Bible-reading Erin looks like, and how she can better serve others around her.

What about you?

Do you ever get tired of technology? I'm there, my friends. I HAVE HIT MAXIMUM INTERNET CAPACITY. Any tips for unplugging? Thanks for reading!


  1. I really relate to this post! The internet is the worst (but I love it), and Pinterest, DON'T GET ME STARTED, THAT'S A BLACKHOLE OF NO RETURN!!

    1. Oh my goodness, Pinterest is like one of the worst distractions if you're trying to write ANYTHING. I have a love-hate relationship with the internet, too. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to live in a world without it!

  2. I totally have the same problem. I always say, "I'll just check this real quick." It's crazy how long "real quick" can be. I think we, as a culture spend waaay too much time on screens. The average American spends approximately half the day in front of a screen. It's kind of scary. Just last night I was wondering what would happen is everyone's smart phones just stopped working. It would be an interesting day.

    ~ Ella Marie

    1. Half the day? That's crazy! That's actually upsetting. I think one day our phones are all going to crash or stop working or SOMETHING and we're going to have to kick it old school! Which would be kinda nice, to be honest. Thanks for commenting! :)

  3. I needed this post. I get so tired of the internet and all that comes with it. I feel like it can be toxic. Talking with awesome people and blogging aren't necessarily toxic, but sometimes we even need a break from that. And that's okay. I'm planning on taking a break soon. I'm actually looking forward to it. I love blogging, but the internet feels draining lately.

    Thanks for this inspiring post. I will try to go outside more when I'm feeling distracted or weighed down by internet and life. XD



    1. Aw, I'm glad you liked it! You hit the nail on the head - it IS toxic. And I agree, blogging is great but wowza sometimes I do really need a break just to recharge and get my footing again. I hope you have a wonderful blog break! It's always good to step away and take a breather.

      Thank you so much for your sweet comment! For sure take a walk. It really helps! :)

  4. I love this! I've been thinking a lot about all this too, the magnetic pull of social media is ridiculous. I've become so aware of how I use it to hide, and I'm pushing myself to actually face my responsibilities and to not turn to facebook, instagram, blogger to numb my brain. I don't think it's bad to have all this stuff, or even to check it daily, we all just need to know how to control it and realize what social media really is for us if we're on it all the time.
    Hope you're having a great NaNo! :)

    1. It is ridiculous! Like, in my own life I just kind of wonder when I became so dependent on technology? It's kind of startling. I am the same way with hiding and distracting myself with the internet. Thank you for being so honest! I am definitely in the same boat.

      NaNo has been great so far! It's really pushing me to write more! :) Thanks for commenting!! It means a lot. <3

  5. I feel this SOOOO much - especially with using it to "fill time" when I'm bored or distracted. Lately I've started asking myself "what do you feel like you don't have time for? (usually writing or reading for fun instead of for school) and COULD YOU BE DOING THAT INSTEAD?" Sometimes, I just really need 30 seconds of insta scrolling, you know? But often, I could be reading and refilling my soul instead of just killing time! It's made a huge difference in how I feel all the time to know that I'm spending more intentional time on stuff that I love instead of just scrolling it away....


    1. Ooh, that's a great question to ask. Kind of convicting, too, since I know I DO have time to be reading my Bible or be more devoted to prayer but I find myself online. :( It's definitely a wake up call and something I am going to have to get better at.

      Yes, I agree, sometimes you do need to just unwind and there's nothing wrong with checking apps and feeds but it DOES kill time. I find it hard to just do a quick 30 second check! I need to pursue more intentional time like you have - that's a great encouragement.

      Thank you so much, Olivia!! :-)


    1. I am the same way! It's been particularly bad with YouTube lately!

  7. Oh, I'm so tired of this too. I spend a lot of time on the computer for study, and it's so easy to flip over to another tab and do something more mindless. I really appreciate your honesty in this post though. You've inspired me to take a break this afternoon and get outside. It really is the best. (Note to self: sit and watch the sunset tonight.) All the best with NaNo and your quest to disconnect more. xx

    1. I totally relate! Sometimes I have to just deactivate my Facebook account for a time because it's always there lurking when I'm trying to be productive. Glad you got to go outdoors for some peace and quiet! :) It really does help. Thank you! Hope you're having a rad November!

  8. The internet actually isn't a huge distraction for me. I don't know if I have a superpower or something ... But I do tend to play the comparison game if I don't watch out, but one thing to remember is people post the highlights on their life on the internet but they have lows too just like anyone else.

    1. Oh my goodness, teach me your ways!! That's a really grounded perspective to have - to go into media/blog/Instagram consumption knowing ahead of time that what you are seeing is the highlight reel. That's smart! Love that idea. Thanks for commenting! :)

  9. I spend all my days online. Of course when I'm not working or spending time outside. There are my inspirations and friends. Sometimes I realize it will kill me at some point. But hey, I'm trying.
    I love your writing process, I relate so much xD

    1. I do agree that the internet provides such cool ways to stay inspired and make awesome friendships! It would be very difficult to give up my blog or Pinterest, etc. because of all that joyous inspiration! Good for you for trying! No one is perfect! <3

      GAH the writing process is super difficult some days, haha. My attention span is all over the place, lol.

      Thanks for commenting!! :)

  10. *laughs because I should be writing too*

    The internet is lovely, really, but the temptation to cultivate narcissism is so strong. The rat-race is the same for everyone: keep up with everyone else's lives + update them on your life + live your life in the real world. And…don't stress out while doing it.

    I have concluded that there just isn't enough time to read all blog posts, watch all the Instagram stories, and read all the tweets. There just isn't. Coming to terms with that has been the hardest lesson to learn.

    Unplugging gets easier the longer you go without it. If I can stay off social media for an entire weekend, somehow everything I might have missed becomes less important if I look at it on Monday. Also, turning off wi-fi HELPS A LOT. Taking my laptop into a different room than the one that I use the internet in HELPS A LOT.

    This might turn into a blog post for me too, because I think social media management is the #1 lesson for the 21st century.


    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one! Writing is rough, yo!

      You're so right in that it can become a HUGE stress to keep up with everybody and live your life in real-time. It can be a super daunting undertaking if you're constantly trying to balance the two, and eventually one is going to fall behind.

      It's so true that we can't do it all, read it all, share it all. This weekend I wasn't able to read a single blog post and I'm going to try and catch up soon but that's because I was busy in real life. GAH it's such a balancing act!!

      Oooh, I love the idea of turning off the Wi-Fi! I might have to try that, because it's a serious problem when I'm trying to write. Or at least set small goals for myself or something so it doesn't become overwhelming.

      You should totally post about this! I would love to hear more of your thoughts!! It's a huge issue that generations before us haven't had to deal with. I think the implications of it will be super interesting to see.

      Thanks for this awesome comment!! :) <3

  11. YES YES YES.
    hahahaha, I've felt the pull of social media/a screen a lot more lately and I was like what is this???????????? and I think it's cause I haven't been making as much time for the things I love doing (Writing or spending quality time with people) or just going outside for a walk or breath of fresh air. Every day it's just like go go go like there's always stuff to do. But instead of compartmentalizing my time and using it efficiently it's really easy to just meander through my work wasting time in halfhearted scanning of my phone and I HATE THE WAY IT SUCKS YOUR TIME AWAY.
    so yes thank you for writing this post and sharing. :) CANT WAIT TO HEAR MORE ABOUT YOUR NANO PROJECT!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Yes! The weirdest thing about it is that it starts to come out of nowhere - this pull towards checking your notifications, getting online, etc. It definitely is a time suck! I'll look up an hour later and be like, "What happened?!" Thank you for commenting! I hope that you get some peaceful unplugged time very soon!

      And thanks for the NaNo encouragement! I NEED IT lol

  12. This is such a great reminder. I've really been trying lately to work on unplugging more often, although that's definitely difficult when 85% of the things that I have to get done involve a computer. xD I'm planning to finish up one more assignment, and then take a break from the screen, so that will be very nice.

    Lovely post, Erin! I hope NaNo is going well for you!!

    1. I feel you, all of my work for my office is online stuff, so it can get tricky for sure! Thanks for commenting, Grace Anne! :) I hope you're having a radical NaNo, too!


Go with grace.