When I prayed today that God would do awesome things I did not expect, I definitely did not expect the Lord to grant me a sharp focus for class, a new passion for the Word and prayer, a decadent cookie dough brownie, a woodland adventure full of photography, friends and glorious view, impromptu worship leading, and the dang splendid event that produced this wonderful run-in with The World's Smallest (and Creepiest) McDonald's. Would you like to SuperSize that? #no
"For when You did awesome things that we did not expect, You came down, and the mountains trembled before You." ~ Isaiah 64:3
Click here for the soundtrack to the perfect day.
That's awesome, I love it when God does such amazing things that we didn't even expect to happen. He is definitely one who surprises at all times. That is one tiny mcdonald's, super cute/funny pics.
Messy Bits