Sunday, December 16, 2018

On Pursuing a Simpler Life

I want a simpler life.

Sitting in church or walking along the edge of the sea, I feel it, the pull to step away from the madness, the noise, the technology. Especially around Christmastime, our lives can become cluttered with lists of things we need to do or buy. Traffic gets crazy. People get impatient. I crave peace.

But it's not just the coming of Christmas.
It's the desire to have more by having less.

This morning's church service has me thinking about what fills my time, pulls at my attention.
Am I spending time sitting and reading God's Word? Or am I looking for the next distraction? Pretty convicting stuff. It sharpened the growing sense that I've been having of the desire for simplicity. The desire to carve out a life for myself that values time with family and Christ more than distraction. That values quiet time.

What does the simple life look like?

In theory, this could look different for everyone. But for me, in these last days of December and soon in 2019, I hope they look like more time spent with my Bible and in prayer and less on checking notifications and thinking about aesthetics, self. My simple life would include a lot more time having conversations with people I love and care about, writing by hand, taking nature walks, and spending more time in the moment than worrying about documenting it. More instruments, less internet.

What about you?

Do you have any goals that you are working towards for 2019?
And what would your ideal simple life look like?
Hope you are having a non-chaotic Christmas, friends! 


  1. Along with simplicity I love the simple post style you have. Always to the point and easy to read. Distractions are everywhere, I understand what you're saying. I think I'd like to spend more time with friends this 2019.

    1. Aw, thank you so much, Vanessa! I think spending time with friends in 2019 sounds lovely. I have a few close friends that I definitely want to catch up with at the end of this year and in early 2019. :) Thanks for commenting!

  2. OHH YES! I've been wanting the same thing -- a simpler life free of distractions. I may go on a social media break sometime in the next week or so.... =)

    1. A social media break sounds heavenly! I may have to just turn off all tech during the Christmas break, for the most part, to enjoy family time. We shall see! Thanks for commenting, Kara!

  3. I just love how every so often you write posts like this – much needed, girl. : )
    A simpler life, for me, looks like stepping away from watching what everyone else is creating, to focus on creating my own things. It’s one of the goals I have for 2019. I think I spend a lot (probably toooo much) time applauding everyone else’s art, but if anyone asked me: “so…have you written anything lately?” I’d have to say “No, I haven’t.” I want to have piles and piles of work from every area I’m interested in. So yes...

    hope your week
    is lovely.

    1. GAH Keira, you are the bomb! I definitely need the reminder to just step away and pursue simpler things. OOOH I love your own description of a simpler life. That hit me hard. I'm that person who compares her art to others so I feel that on a molecular level lol!! I hope that your 2019 is full of tons of writing. I'd love to read some of it!! :) Thanks so much for commenting, it means a lot. <3

  4. My biggest goal for 2019 is putting novel writing first since last year I didn't do that. I'd also really like to try to go to a gym once a week though making time in my already busy schedule is really intimidating. XD

    1. Ooh, that's a good goal! I often distract myself with blogging and then don't have time for my novel so I can totally relate to that goal!! I agree, it can be totally difficult to find the time with work and everything else. Often I have to wake up really early if I want to get my exercise for the day in, which is always difficult, but worth it. Thanks so much for commenting, Victoria! :) <3


Go with grace.