So today's my sister's birthday.

I'm incredibly blessed that God has given me a best friend to grow up with, to irritate, to sing with. There are lots of things I wouldn't have done, or wouldn't have been without Kaylie as my sister, always eager to jump in and try new things.
Without her, I'd never have gotten my black belt, or tried out for the track team, or listened to twenty one pilots. I'd never have gone to youth group, and I probably wouldn't have gotten my first boyfriend (she was, allegedly, the wing woman), or stopped wearing truly horrific jeans. (Fourth grade, I'm looking at you.) My teen years would have been utterly colorless, because I never would have developed such a passion for songwriting and music. I never would have started collecting vinyl, or digging into the Word of God, or been social enough to talk to people without fear.
God knew what He was doing when He placed Kaylie in my life. I'm blessed to know her. Happy Birthday, sis!
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