It has come to my attention that I have not written a Musical Men Mondays post in quite a long time, and frankly, my good people, that is a crime. So in keeping with the glorious tradition of Simultaneously Celebrating great tunes and the beautiful men that make them, I present to you Tyler Joseph of Twenty One Pilots.

He's a twitchy sort of lad.

Reasons Why Tyler Joseph is a Stellar Being in this Universe:
-- Music: I shall begin with the abudnantly obvious reason, and that is his wonderful music. My sister introduced me to his intense (but groovin') screamy, schizophrenic songs maybe a year or so ago, and at first I was not about it. But now I am, and they are the perfect jams for both upbeat and moody moments.
-- Tattoos: Left arm, black bands. I DIG IT
-- Black Hoodie: I refer now to the most compelling case of my evidence for Tyler Joseph's wonderfulness, and that my friends, is his affinity for the perfectly worn and plush black hoodie. And just black clothing in general. Which is a divine color upon a man.
--Dat Moniker: As if all of this wasn't enough, the man has two first names. two~
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